Dr. Megan
Over the course of my life, I have found myself enamored with children. They have unique,
innate capabilities and gifts that bring light into the world. Their bodies, play, and behavior have
profound ways of communicating with us, when we attune and observe without judgment.
I spent years working with children with multiple disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, impacts
of early childhood trauma, and children with various developmental challenges. These
experiences shaped my understanding of the inner workings of the child and the unique
experiences that each individual has. I became familiar with various modalities of healing
including music, art, movement, somatic, occupational, physical, horse, play and nature based
therapies. I found that there is no one single path to healing and that true healing takes time,
consistency, patience and trust.
I attended medical school at Michigan State College of Osteopathic Medicine and went on to
complete a pediatric residency program at the Children’s Hospital at Palms West. I developed a
profound respect for modern medicine and the complexity of the human body, as I participated
in the care of both common and rare pediatric diseases. When I entered pediatric practice in a
clinical setting, I found myself humbled and frustrated at the lack of resources that I had for
helping children with disease prevention and treatment. I found that there was an overemphasis
on the disease and overreliance on quick fixes, pharmaceutical, and surgical interventions. I had
intimate conversations with families that felt frustrated by lack of options and alternatives to
achieving balance and wellness, particularly in the realm of children’s mental and behavioral
health challenges. As I learned more about the impacts of childhood adversity, genetic
imprinting and the brain body connection, I felt that I needed a deeper understanding. I had the
privilege of studying with Dr. Bruce Perry and became certified in the Neurosequential Model of
Therapeutics, a developmentally informed model of assessing the unique challenges and needs
of children based on their early developmental experiences and resilience measures. I
continued on to broaden my scope and developed my osteopathic skills in order to provide
somatic healing to common and complex pediatric issues. As I deepened my understanding of
the brain body connection and the wholeness of the being, it became impossible to practice
medicine in the traditional model.
As a working mother of three children, I deeply understand the challenges that we face raising
children in this modern world. It feels as though expectations on children have never been
higher. They are bombarded with input and their nervous systems have varying capabilities to
adapt and process the world around them. I believe that parents have the most important and
challenging job on the planet and that adequate support, guidance and attunement to individual
family needs are essential to raising happy, healthy families. I wholeheartedly hope to facilitate
that process and engage children in the process in order to empower them to learn and know
about their bodies, about their innate abilities and gifts, and to build a platform of well being and
resilience for the entirety of their lives.
*I do also provide craniosacral therapy for adults*